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Server Information
General Information
Server Version Season 17
Experience 500x
Master Experience 250x
Drop 50%

Party Bonus Experience

Members Experience Rate
Same Character Classes Different Classes
2 Players EXP% EXP% + 4%
3 Players EXP% EXP% + 6%
4 Players EXP% EXP% + 8%
5 Players EXP% EXP% + 10%


/reset Reset your character, require minimum level 400
/whisper [on/off] Enable / disable whisper.
/requests [on/off] Enable / disable requests in-game.
/clearpk Clear killer status. 3M each kill count.
/post [message] Sends a message to the whole server.
/lock [password] Set a password. Required for dc friend.
/dcfriend [password] Disconnect a friend. Required lock password.
/clock Show the server time. Format 24H
/clearinventory Clears your whole inventory.
/store [type] Sell items in game store with another currency
/offlevel Character will auto attack using this command.
/offstore Character will not attack but store will be open.
/ware [number] Swaps vault.
/addstr [points] Adds points to Strength.
/addagi [points] Adds points to Agility.
/addvit [points] Adds points to Life.
/addene [points] Adds points to Energy.
/addcmd [points] Adds points to Command.

/bank Show your jewel bank store. For more info klick here.
/bankadd [type] [amount] Adds jewels to bank. For more info klick here.
/bankadd all Adds all jewels to bank. For more info klick here.
/banksub [type] [amount] Withdraw jewels from bank. For more info klick here.


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